Do Columbus Rats Hide from Humans

Humans typically find Ohio rats gross and it's not unusual for people to develop phobias from these creatures. In fact the fear of rats and mice is one of the most common type of phobias, which in scientific term is referred to as musophobia or murophobia. Rats have earned a bad reputation among humans as they are known for their destructive nature. They can chew through almost any materials from plastics, bricks, aluminum and wood. Most of all, rats are also dreaded carriers of various diseases and infections.

Are Rats Afraid of Humans?
While people have all the reasons to be scared of the rats, the other side of the story is that, Columbus rats are more scared of humans. They will do anything that they can to avoid any encounter with humans. Unless cornered or threatened, rats generally won't attack humans nor purposefully hunt out humans. Rats are highly sensitive and intelligent creatures. They are aware that because of their small size they can easily become prey to bigger predators. Cats , owls and snakes are well-known rat predators. And, these set of predators also include humans. Hence, the sight of a human will easily make a rat scurry away. Once they meet a human, their instant reaction will be to flee or escape from an imminent danger. It is no surprising to see rats heading back to where they came from as soon as they bump across a human being. Again, this does not mean though that rats are completely harmless. Once triggered or they feel that they are under attack, these rats will not hesitate to bite or attack humans too. For this reason, it is always recommended to exercise extreme caution when dealing with rats or when trying to catch them for the purpose of eliminating them.

The Telltale Signs That Rats are Starting To Infest Your Home
Rats are mostly active during the night time when humans are typically asleep. The dark night tend to help the rats camouflage with the surroundings making it easier for them to forage for their foods and hoard them. They also tend to leave in hidden areas which is why some homeowners don't immediately realize that rats are already starting to infest their homes, until the problem becomes more serious. Due to rats naturally avoiding the sight of humans, some people may fail to notice the presence of Ohio rats around their home. Do you suspect rat infestation in your home but couldn't seem to find any traces of their presence? You may not be seeing them, but here are signs that you need to keep an eye out which tells you that rats are turning your home into their dwelling too:
• Markings of gnawing on wood or other locations around your home
• Scratching sounds that may be originating from your attic particularly during the wee hours of the night
• Burrows around your yard or the entrances of your home
• Fresh droppings from various locations in your house including near and around the garbage areas

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